CAREE is committed to improving the quality of life for everyone in Riverside County by:
"Amazon is set to cease all air operations at March Air Field in May of this year, the company confirmed in a statement to The Riverside Record.
“We’re always evaluating our network to make sure it fits our business needs and to improve the experience for our employees, customers and partners,” said Sam Stephenson, Amazon spokesperson, in an emailed statement. “We’ve made the decision to cease operations at our Riverside Air facility.”
According to Stephenson, operations at the base are similar to other regional hubs around the country in that it acts as a sorting center with packages coming in, getting sorted and then either being flown or driven out to other fulfillment centers closer to their final destinations in the Inland Empire. He said there would be no impact on customers."
"The March Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Commission last month tabled a controversial project after hearing more than three hours of public comment in which dozens of people spoke against the project.
“The effect of that tabling of the item would be to basically take it off [the] calendar,” Thomas Rice, attorney for the JPA, said. “It will not come back unless you ask for it back, and it functionally operates like a denial.”
The project, as proposed at the June 12 public hearing, included approximately 143 acres of industrial development within the center of the site, about 65 acres of business park development to the north and south of the center and roughly 42 acres of mixed-use development to the west and south of the center."
December 11, 2024: The March JPC approved an Airline Operating Agreement with Sun Country Airline to replace the airplanes currently provided by Atlas Air for Amazon at March Inland Port Airport. The hours of operation will remain 7 AM to 10 PM and the number of flights will remain the same.
Tell them what you think!
Riverside County Supervisor Yxstian Gutierrez
Riverside County Supervisor Jose Medina
Riverside City Council member Chuck Conder
Riverside City Council member Jim Perry
Perris City Council member Marisela Nava
Mayor of the City of Perris Michael Vargas
Moreno Valley City Council member Ed Delgado
Mayor of the City of Moreno Valley Ulises Cabrera
March JPA Planning Director Dan Fairbanks
March JPA Planner Jeffery Smith
March JPA Clerk Cindy Camargo
Link to the draft EIR:
July 1, 2024 Community meeting JPA presentation:
Mayor Patricia Lock Dawson:
Ward 1 Philip Falcone:
Ward 2 Clarissa Cervantes:
Ward 3 Steven Robillard:
Ward 4 Chuck Conder:
Ward 5 Sean Mill:
Links to many Press Enterprise articles on the DHL cargo port fallout
We fully support the military at March and have not complained about civilian flights or military flights in order to protect the base from future closure. Our position has always been that civilian cargo flights need to honor the Good Neighbor Policy. March has always honored their Good Neighbor Policy of no non-mission critical flights between 10 PM and 7 AM. Given the increase in noise and traffic and air pollution and warehouses in the area we can no longer stay silent. We cannot afford to have one more civilian cargo plane flying over our homes and schools. We are no longer calling for a curfew. We insist that any new operations authorized at March be for military use only.
The distinctive bowl-shape of Inland geographies captures pollutants, leading to cardiac, respiratory, and reproductive health impacts as well as cancers. Over the past 22 years, state and federal air quality regulations have progressed with reducing large particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions. However, with the recent exponential increase in warehouses in the Inland Empire, decades of effort are becoming undermined as greenhouse gases (GHG) climb, and NOx, particulate matter (PM), and ozone increase.
March JPA for Cargo jets departing March Aiport:
San Bernardio Airport for noisy Cargo Jets overflying our neighborhoods:
Or phone (909) 382-4225
Use FlightRadar or Flightaware to track jets departing or arriving at March Airport (KRIV). Military flights don't always appear on the tracking sites. Both sites also offer an app for smart phones. Amazon flights often appear as Atlas Air.
Good jobs for robots:
Low wages and health risks:
"Ellen Reese, UCR’s faculty co-director of the Inland Empire Labor and Community Center and one of the lead researchers in the study, said the TDL sector is one of the top employing industries in the region, but is one that has contributed to air pollution and low-wage, unsafe, and insecure jobs.
“Our report documents these problems, the impacts of increasing workplace automation, and discusses potential strategies — for workers, community members, workforce developers, and policy-makers — to promote greater equity and environmental sustainability in the TDL sector and in our regional economy more generally,” said Reese, co-author of the book, “Unsustainable: Amazon, Warehousing, and the Politics of Exploitation” (UC Press, 2023).
The report provides new research findings that highlight the lack of living wages among truck drivers and blue-collar warehouse workers in the TDL sector. Laborers and stockers and order fillers, for example, are among the lowest paid positions, receiving a median salary of just over $25,000 per year, while packers and packagers receive a median annual salary of just over $23,000 per year. "
“Before the DHL cargo port was approved, a developer and top managers with the March Joint Powers Authority resisted releasing a noise study that determined hundreds of Riverside residents could be awakened each night by DHL planes, a new report shows”
“DHL cargo planes will fly over two Riverside neighborhoods, contrary to promises from a private developer and elected officials that those areas would be off-limits, local and federal officials confirmed Monday.”
Full investigative report conducted by attorney Leonard Gumport:
Everyone knows that "average" noise does not reflect the true impact of jet noise on residents near airports. The FAA is conducting a review of standard noise policy analysis. Although the comment period has closed, you can read about the review here: and here:
Hawaiian Airlines has commenced operating a second Airbus A330-300 cargo jet for Amazon on a new route between New York’s JFK airport and the retail behemoth’s West Coast air logistics hub in San Bernardino, California, the company reported in quarterly earnings Tuesday.
Under a transportation services agreement that kicked in last year, Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) leases the aircraft from a dealer and transfers them to Hawaiian Airlines (NASDAQ: HA) to fly and provide routine maintenance. Hawaiian, which is branching out to all-cargo operations for the first time, began commercial revenue service for Amazon in early October on a route connecting San Bernardino with Amazon Air’s superhub at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG).
Caree News